
New Items appears automatically in the hierarchy, based on their Master Data Information

Master Data in Hierarchies
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When you create new items or modify master data on items, the whole idea is that it could be automatically implemented in your hierarchy.

So to begin with, if we look at our master data hierarchy, and let’s just say we want to add another item here in the Mill City bike, nexus seven gear segments.

So we’ll take one of those bike, let’s take bike number 10 30 and make a copy of it.

And if we just make a copy of the item, it’ll automatically show up here.

If we take a copy and we change some of the parameters, so we could check this camera bike, maybe we could take a copy and change it to be a Cary, and then it will pop up down here instead.

So let’s do that as the example.

I will find my camera bike down here and just copy it, give it a new item number.

Just did a copy here.

And this is a new one, we’ll just currently new.

I will copy master data information, master data values like this, so it’ll copy all my master data information as well.

And then we’ll enter the specification and change it from um, C bike to be, uh, ary.

And we have some dependencies here, so we cannot do everything like this.

And let’s go back into the master data hierarchy.

And it doesn’t pop up in a refresh with items now because I need to update what we call item relations, which is the underlying data that it creates.

You could set it up to do this automatically.

Now I’m doing it manually.

So I will update, I could just select this one item.

I’ll run on all items.

Now refresh the hierarchy.

And now you can see it shows up down here.

So this way data is automatically created by its master data.

And of course, if I change the master data to be another gear on another bike type, it will show up in, in here in the hierarchy.
