
Why would I use Favorite Information designed for my role?

Favorite Information in Fact Boxes
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch "the details", if you need detailed knowledge about a specific topic. These videos are only relevant for particular users. The Details This video includes functionality from the app "Master Data Information" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Master Data Information

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Let’s take a look at fact boxes with Ferri information in Business Central.

With the master data, I can add Ferri information to items, customers, vendors, order documents, serial numbers and lot numbers.

And basically it’s just about being able to attach an information fact box like here on the item card you can see my information fact box and it relies with information that I have set up to the information on the specific records.

So when I’m looking at other records, I can see the fact box or the master data information, information changes, and I can set up to 10 information here.

If I click the fact box and I can see here as a planner, I’m looking at six difference, but I could have another set up here per user so I can determine which information code I would like to see value or information value.

In this way, it’s easy for me to get an overview and I can do this on items, I can do it on Windows customers, especially on open documents, and I can of course move the fact box to the header area or the top area if I want to.

So by selecting design personalize like this, it’s possible to move fact boxes around by just grabbing them and dragging them.

So if you want the information fact box to be somewhere higher than it’s normally placed,
you can just drag it up here.

If you have, for instance, an sales order or a purchase order, let’s take a sales holder here.

You can also apply fact boxes to it, or the fact boxes is already there if you use master dates information.

But as you can see on the sales header, you have master data here that relates to the sales header.

And when you select the different lines, you have master data that relates to the items on the lines, which updates when you click it.

So it’s shortcut of getting information, master data information that relates to your different entities.
