
The Description Order determines how the Merged Descriptions are generated

Merging Long Descriptions, Item and Report Descriptions
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

The description order is defining the order, of course, of the description, both in the long description on the items and in the report description.

When you create that, so you can see here the long descriptions, the city by male gear, tire type material, and so on.

If I’m looking at my information code list for those information, lemme just take one of them.

In here.

I can see it says, great description.

There’s no order for the description because it relates to only the specific items.

But in the long description that I defined in this column, I could also set up long description order, like a normal number, meaning I would like my bike type first, then the gender, then the gear, then the tire type, and so on.

So this determines just the order of what you want to see.

Likewise, in the type description that you could use in the description, field or description, two field on items could also have an order.

And of course also in the report description that you use for documents that could also have a report description.

Order meaning what should you add first, second, and so on.

So the order is simply determining the way you want to see data when you merge the different descriptions.
