
Favorite Information in Fact Boxes on Items, Vendors and Purchase Documents

Favorite Information in Fact Boxes
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch "the details", if you need detailed knowledge about a specific topic. These videos are only relevant for particular users. The Details This video includes functionality from the app "Master Data Information" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Master Data Information

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

A purchaser, you can set up master data information to display as favorite information on vendors and items, and thereby on purchase documents as well.

So in my simple example here, I have added product type as an information fact box and I can add up till 10.

And when I change the different vendors here, I can see the product type changing if it’s defined as a master data for that vendor.

And likewise, I can set it up on items where I can have a fact box on the different items where when I select the different items, I see different fact boxes.

And after doing that, it will automatically apply to my purchase documents.

So if I have an purchase documents where I display information fact box on it, I can see my vendor information that applies to the hitter of the purchase order.

And I can see my information on the lines that applies to items here on the purchase order.

So once I add the line, it will show up as master data information directly here on the purchase order.

So this is a way of having an overview of data master data, both in the fact box area, and you can also use the replicate functionality as columns on the lines or fields on the header.
