The system is built in a way where it automatically updates the long description when you change the master data.
So if I’m changing my wheel diameter from 28 to something else, or I change one of the other parameters for this item, it’ll automatically update the long description.
But the problem is that you could go into some of the more general information sent here.
So for instance, if I took my gender, which is a dropdown list, and I said in here it’s not, uh, supposed to be called male anymore, it’s supposed to be called buy in the description, and I rename this one, it’s supposed to rename in many different items and it will ask you, would you update the long descriptions because this might affect many items.
So you can, it’ll ask you if you change data in most of the area.
But otherwise, in the information code list, if you enter the information code list, there’s an action in here, which is called Update long descriptions.
This one will update the long description on the item and you can filter on when you select it here, you can filter on which item you want to update.
So it updates the long descriptions and it also updates the description, field or description to if you have set up
that they should be handled with master data as well.
So this way you can update all your items when you have changed your data, or if you’re changing data in other companies that is merged into this company.