
Customer order specific meta data flowing from the Sales Order directly to the Purchase Order

For the Sales person and Purchaser
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How to transfer meta data from the sales order to the purchase order with Master Data Information?

With master data information it is possible to attach special information on a sales order and transfer them to a purchase order, when using drop shipment or special order. In this example our sales rep, John, would like to take a sales order from customer, Mary.

Transcription of video

But in this particular sales order, Mary would like to order item number 1200 which is back wheel, and she ordered those before, but now she has a customer that would like this back wheel with a rim and some spokes in a specific color and we don’t put that on inventory.

So we well like to ask our vendor if this is possible? So John will take up the sales order from customer Mary, write directly on the sales line in the meta data information field, the meta data document, could we do whatever, blah, blah, blah, with specific colors and then create a drop shipment with standard business central functionality, and it creates a purchase order, and on the purchase side, our purchaser Xavi, will have to contact our vendor, Joe, and ask him, “Is this possible?”, but we already prepared a purchase order with the specific information.

So the purchase order is ready to send with all the requirements from the sales order side. So in this way it’s possible, very easily to create special orders or drop shipment with data coming from our sales order, directly to the purchase order.
