
Transferring Master Data, Text and files through to Posted Documents

Master Data on Documents
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An intermediate video requires some previous experience with Business Central, but it is still easily accessible to most people. Intermediate Watch the "basic" videos to take the tour of the main processes of Business Central. This is the basic, need-to-use functionality. The Basics This video includes functionality from the app "Master Data Information" which is available at Microsoft AppSource. Click to visit AppSource. Master Data Information

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When you use master data on documents, you determine in the setup whether the master data should flow from the posted open documents to the posted documents.

This means if I create a sales order in here and I create some item lines and I post the order, first of all, let’s just make a line or two like this, just a few pieces.

When I create those line, it will create master dates information on both the lines and the header.

And in the setup you have determined whether the action, when posted, what it should be.

So if it says here transfer, let me just make this column a little wider.

Transfer, invoice and shipment or received, it’ll transfer both through the invoice and shipment or received if it’s the purchase site, if it’s a transfer to shipment that received only, it’ll not transfer this information to the invoice, but only to the shipment on the sale side and received on the purchase side.

So this is determining which of those information that should be transferred to the posted document.

Likewise, when I created my header here, the master data setup will determine how it should transfer, for instance, only to the invoice, because I’m going to use this information on the invoice.

This is a claim information I would like on the footer, uh, sorry, on the header or a transfer to the shipment, uh, and invoice.

And of course you could also have set it up to transfer to the invoice only, and you can also change it manually on each document, so you don’t set it up by default.

The point is when we post this document, and let’s try to do that, and we could just post the shipment And let’s try to find the shipments in here.

And if we open this shipment here and we Look at the lines down here, we will have master date information on the line.

And you can see the master data being posted to the, OR transferred to the posted document.

And likewise on the header, we also have master date information somewhere up here that was set up to be posted, but not the ones that shouldn’t be posted to the shipment.

And likewise, on the purchase side and production orders and all open documents.

So there’s a setup determining what information that should be transferred to the posted document.

So basically it flows from the customers and items to SIL site and further to the poster document.

And likewise from vendors and items to the purchase site and the poster documents.
