With the field data validation type on the information code, you can ensure that users can only enter data that is interpreted as specific data types.
So for instance, here on my information code list, you have validation data type and you can see some of them being date.
And if I scroll down, one of them being decimal.
And you can add here or select other types.
Should it be a decimal meaning with comers? Should it be an inte integer? Uh, only full numbers, date formulas, Boolean dates or date times.
So for instance, my wheel down here is set up as a decimal and my last service date is set up as a date.
So with this functionality, I’m forcing the information master date information with those two information code to be a specific validation data type.
As an example, if I enter my item and I want to change my specification for builder amateur, which is now 29, I could add 28 instead.
And I’m even merging the description here 28 inches.
But if I’m entering something else 28 inches in this field, I will get an error saying that the validation data type is decimal.
So it needs to be something that could be understood in here.
But you have to be aware of course, that the regional format you’re using should be correct.
So if the regional format in my cases US
and I’m entering and 28 comma two, it will remove the comma.
If say 28 2, it will maintain the comma.
So you have to be aware of the format that everybody works on.
The same formula, at least is aware of this, especially on the last date tested, which is a date formula.
If you use different date formula, for instance, if you use the business Central Standard Logic where you can just enter T four today, it will display the date as, oh, this is a bad example because it’s now the 4th of April.
Uh, but if it was the 4th of May, it would’ve set like this in my US database.
Uh, but it would’ve said 0 5, 0 4 if it was somewhere else, uh, that use that date format of course.
So actually it’s interpreted as text beneath the scene.
So we need to be aware of those differences.