How do you know if an item in the warehouse has been posted or not?
You know the problem that you come to an item in the production area or in the warehouse and you ask somebody in that environment if the item is in stock in Business Central or not. Actually all employees in the warehouse area and in the production area should know if items are registered in the system or not and here’s a way to possibly do that.
This is what happens in the video
Meaning is it posted maybe as consumption or as received or is it not.
So how do we make sure to maintain that compliance between the real-life and the ERP system.
So we would actually suggest that you mark your flow physically with yellow lines or something like that and determine that everything within the lines are registered in the system.
Everything out of the line is not registered.
This means when you receive goods in the receiving area, until you actually post it in your system or register it in your system, you should put your goods in the received bin, which is outside the yellow line meaning we didn’t handle it yet and when you actually count it and register it on a purchase receipt or the purchase order when you receive it and you do the posting or registration, you put it on the other side of the yellow line.
Likewise on the outbound side.
Likewise, when you pick into production, you move the item from the warehouse to the consumption bins meaning when it’s at the consumption bins, it’s actually still on inventory when the production people are moving it on the other side of the yellow line, they will do the posting somehow.
You need to know when the goods are actually registered or not.
As the picture is drawn here, in the production, you also need to post the output from production when you actually put it on the output bins.
Until then, it should remain on the other side of the yellow line.
Of course, it’s not maybe possible to draw big lines on your floor, but you should have very dedicated area, also small points of areas in the production environment or points of area in the warehouse where you can say this is the opposite.
So there’s a small place of stuff where things could be not registered or registered.
The point is everybody working in the environment should know whether the items are actually registered or not.