
When are Warehouse Requests created and maintained?

Inbound – Overview
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How do inbound warehouse requests work?

An inbound warehouse request can be created from a purchase order when you release the purchase order. So if the purchase order is on a warehouse location when you release it, it creates a warehouse request. You cannot see the warehouse request in the user interface, but it’s a signal to the warehouse that we need to receive the item.

This is what happens in the video

After the warehouse request is received from the released purchase order.

It’s possible to make a warehouse receipt, now if you delete the warehouse receipt, the warehouse request will still be there and when you create it again from the purchase order, it could create the warehouse receipt again.

So, the warehouse request will only be deleted while deleting the purchase order. Meaning you receive the goods on the warehouse request.

You post the warehouse request which creates item ledger entries and warehouse entries, and it also creates put-away document.

In real life what happens is that by posting the warehouse receipt it creates a posted warehouse receipt, which in real life creates the warehouse put-away, and it creates posted purchase receipt.

The warehouse request is still there because the purchase order is still existing.

But if we suggest to post the purchase order and invoice it, the purchase order will be deleted now and the warehouse request will be deleted but the warehouse put-away is still here because we still need to move the item into the inventory.

And if we delete the warehouse put-aways, we could recreate it from a put-away worksheet, and it’s based on the posted warehouse receipt.

So when you register the warehouse put away it creates the warehouse entries, but the warehouse request was deleted while deleting the purchase order.
