
The purpose of using Warehouse Receipts

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

When should you use a warehouse receipt?

The warehouse receipt is created, if you have check-marked the require warehouse receipt on the location card. Let’s look at the purpose of having such a document. It could be different things.

This is what happens in the video

First of all, the documents could be used to have only one document where receipts for multiple purchase orders can be handled in one go in the warehouse, so you can have one bundle document going to many different purchase orders.

For example, if you have many purchase orders arriving in one container; you might want to have one document where you can handle all of those lines in one go, so you can plan your purchase receipt.

You may also want to have a warehouse document with items and quantities, but without pricing information, maybe if you don’t want your warehouse people to look at the prices, or see the prices, if you want to use it for external warehouses, or if you just want to make it more simple for people working with this document.

Another idea of using warehouse receipt is to be able to create a put-away document for all the receipt lines, so if you have like a container or bundle of items arriving; you can make one warehouse put-away document where you can put it all into the warehouse in one go, that’s possible with warehouse receipts.

And finally, when you post the warehouse receipt, you can use the receipt to post on multiple purchase orders, of course, in one go and it post both item ledger entries and warehouse entries because the item will be placed in receipt bin.

So it’s possible to post everything in one go.
