How does outbound Warehouse work in Business Central using shipments but no bins?
I will show you the warehouse activities on the outbound side if you’re using a location only with checkmarks in warehouse shipment, but no picks and no bins.
This is what happens in the video
So from the sales order, we would like to create a warehouse shipment maybe with the purpose of sending it to an external warehouse.
We need to release the sales order.
This will create a warehouse request automatically that the user don’t see and now it’s possible to create a warehouse shipment either directly from the sales order or with the functionality in the warehouse shipment.
So this could be a combination of several sales orders to one or several customers.
Now, we could send this warehouse shipment to our internal warehouse or we could use it directly in our own warehouse and find the items, put them in the box, and send them to the customer, or we get a message from the external warehouse when they have actually picked and shipped the item.
This means we could post the shipment from the warehouse shipment; while posting the shipment, it will create a posted warehouse shipment and posted sales shipment and it creates item ledger entries but no warehouse entries, because we haven’t set up bins on the location, and everything that is remaining is now the open sales order that awaits invoicing, the posted sell shipment, and posted warehouse shipment.