
Using different Unit of Measure Codes in the Warehouse

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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How do you use different Unit of Measure Codes?

In Business Central, it’s possible to work with different unit of measure codes on the warehouse entries if you have set up on the location the checkmark directed put away and pick. This means the item ledger entries will always be transformed into base unit of measure code.

This is what happens in the video

So, in this scenario, I have two item ledger entries on my item 1100 and they will be both entered in pieces.

Whereas if I go into my warehouse entries on this item, I can see here that I have both unit of measure code box and unit of measure code pieces.

This is only possible on location with the directed put away and pick checkmark.

Let me show you how this works if I’m looking at my locations.

If I’m entering the location with the directed put away and pick, one of the locations that I have here, it’s possible to set the checkmark allow breakbulk that also indicates that we’re working with unit of measures.

Whereas if I take my main location that has all the checkmark for warehouse, but not the directed put away and pick and I scroll down, it’s not possible to maintain the bin policies about allowing break bulks.

If I go back to my entries, I can see, if I filter on my location code and I look at the main location on my warehouse entries, they will only contain the base unit of measure even though they are purchase received in boxes.

Whereas if I look at my WMS location, It’s possible to have different unit of measure codes and I can use break bulks on the inventory to handle– to see whether the item is stored in one unit of measure or the other unit of measure code.
