
Warehouse Pick for Production is used if Require Shipments is checkmarked on the Location Card

Production – Consumption & Output For Advanced Locations
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

How do you pick with shipments required?

If you’re using a location with a checkmark in require shipment on the location card and you use production orders, the checkmark could also be set if you set the directed put away and pick. You are required to do a warehouse pick into the production order bin, and you couldn’t do just a movement. That wouldn’t be enough.

This is what happens in the video

This means if you have a production order, you can create a warehouse pick directly without creating any shipment documents and you will have to make a warehouse pick and post it before you can post consumption.

You could use a strategy for internal movements or from warehouse movements if you’re using the pick directed checkmark, but this will only move into a bin near to the production order.

So, you cannot move to a production order bin and then create a warehouse pick from that bin.

You can move to a bin near to the production order and then you can perform the warehouse pick from that bin.

So, using the advanced or WMS locations requires a warehouse pick to be able to post consumption.
