
The Warehouse Reclassification Journal

Internal – BIN Replenishment & Break Bulks For WMS Locations
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

What do you use the Warehouse Reclassification Journal for?

The warehouse reclassification journal is a journal meant for reclassifying my warehouse entries. That means if I want to change bin codes manually or I want to change the, for instance, lot number or serial numbers on a warehouse entry-level, it’s the warehouse reclassification journal I’m using.

This is what happens in the video

This means I’m not posting any item Ledger entries.

With this journal, I’m just posting changes to warehouse entries.

So, if somebody placed an item wrong, and I would like to post it in the system to be correct, I could just insert the item number like this, the bin code where the item is placed right now or misplaced, and the bin code that I want to move it to.

It could also be a manual movement I’m actually doing and I want to reclassify it.

I could do it like this from bin code to bin code and whatever quantity out here.

So, this will post warehouse entries from one bin to one bin.

And likewise, I could do it with lot numbers, and serial numbers in the warehouse reclassification journals only applying to warehouse entries.

And of course, I will register it when I’m done and this will carry out all my changes.
