How does Warehouse Requests, Shipments and Picks correlate?
The question is what is the correlation between order documents, warehouse requests, shipments and pick documents? In Business Central, we can create a sales order and when we release the sales order, the system will automatically create a warehouse request.
This is what happens in the video
The warehouse request is a hidden table that the user won’t see and it’s just waiting for some warehouse people to fetch it.
Sales shipment planning are being created from the sales or the shipment directly, etc.
So the warehouse request is like an inbound queue for the sales shipment or the inventory pick if you run a more simple location.
Meaning from a warehouse request, you can create a warehouse shipment and from the warehouse shipment, you can create the warehouse pick then you go and do the picking, post it, or register it, it will create warehouse entries then we pack it and when we ship it, we will post on the warehouse shipment.
We will do the posting and that will post both the sales order and the warehouse shipment and create item ledger entries and in this moment, we will also delete automatically the warehouse request.
So the warehouse request remains from leading the sales order until posting the sales order shipment actually through the warehouse shipment.