
The purpose of using Warehouse Picks

Outbound – Overview
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

What do Warehouse Picks do in Business Central?

The purpose of using a warehouse pick would normally be basically to be able to have a document that displays which items to find on which specific location in the warehouse.

This is what happens in the video

So this means you would like the warehouse employees to have one document they can follow either with a scanner or with the printed document and they will be guided on a picking route on which shelves and bins to go to and how many items to pick and in which quantities.

So when they get back and they’ve picked everything and they post the warehouse pick, they would like to have only to register the movements from warehouse entries on that warehouse pick and not do any postings.

So with warehouse pick, that applies to a warehouse shipment, you don’t do any postings on item ledger entries, but you just make a post of movement of all the items you have picked into the shipping zone that makes it ready for later shipment.
