What do Warehouse Shipments do in Business Central?
There can be many different purposes of using warehouse shipments.The warehouse shipment is made from typically a sales order. It could also be other outbound documents and the point of using a warehouse shipment could be the following.
This is what happens in the video
First of all, you can have one document, one warehouse document where it’s possible to bundle multiple sales orders into this one document to one or more customers.
So you can, for instance, have several sales orders, maybe some of them with backlogs for the same customer, you can bundle them into one warehouse shipment.
You can also have many sales orders for customers in one specific country and bundle those into one warehouse shipment if you want to transport it to a hub or whatever.
So this is one reason.
Another reason is that you can plan your sales orders for the warehouse shipment by -like the example before- by geography, by freight forwarder, by customers, and by many other things.
So if you have many sales orders and you want to bundle those by whatever logic, you can do that on the warehouse shipment.
As an example, maybe you have a specific freight forwarder coming at 10 o’clock in the morning and you need to do all the picks for that freight forwarder.
Meaning all the sales orders that goes by this freight forwarder and later on another freight forwarder come and you would like to do a new warehouse shipment for those and thereby you can handle the order of sales orders you take into the warehouse.
A third reason for using warehouse shipments could be that it only handles quantities and items.
It doesn’t include prices like on the sales order.
So for some companies, it’s important that the warehouse employee don’t see the prices on the goods they’re shipping neither the cost price nor sales price.
On the warehouse shipment, all those information is taken away.
You can also use this if you are using external warehouses and you want to send the file, it’s easy to create a warehouse shipment and use that warehouse shipment or even letting the external warehouse look into your warehouse shipment in your ERP system.
Next reason could be that you would like to make one warehouse pick for handling many activities to different customers in one go.
Actually it’s also possible to do this with several warehouse shipments because in a pick journal, you can select pick from many sales orders.
You could do this bundle on the warehouse shipment and then create one pick from one shipment, maybe more, easy.
Last of all, you would like to post on the shipment everything in one go.
So when you post on this specific warehouse shipment, everything that is picked and packed is posted in one go on all the sales orders.