
How to use the Item Reclassification Journal?

Internal – Movements For Simple Or Advanced Locations
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

What do you use the Item Reclassification Journal for?

The item reclassification journal applies to locations without a checkmark in the directed put away and pick and I have prepared some lines in here with different locations with all different scenarios of no checkmarks in the location card or some or all checkmarks except for the directed put away and pick.

This is what happens in the video

The item classification journals are good for the warehouse employee to change either location code, bin code, or serial number, lot number, dimensions.

So, in this example, I have made a taken to from basic location to change it to the distribute location and I have to add the new bin code because the distribute location requires bins whereas the basic location don’t require bins.

And I’m bundling from bin, and distribute, and external location all into the same bin code here.

The from location that requires bin, I need to say where to take the items. And if I drill down the bin code, I can see the list of where it’s available on inventory. And again, if I’m entering the location with directed put away and pick, it might not fail immediately.

I can even enter quantity, but when I’m trying to enter anything else on the line, I will get an error message saying, you cannot use a location with directed put away and pick in the item reclassification journal. So, I’ll have to delete that line.

But otherwise, the reclassification is for doing all kinds of reclassifications not for countings, not for re-evaluation, and it has its own journal and not for positive or negative adjustments.

This is for taking existing item ledger entries or warehouse entries and transferring them to something else.

Let’s try to post this one. So now we have reclassified all those items and for some of the locations it created only new item ledger entries and for the location with bin code mandatory, also created warehouse entries.
