
It is possible to import different Inbound Source Document Types into the same Warehouse Receipt

Inbound – Creating Warehouse Receipts For Advanced Locations
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Presenter: Sune Lohse, Chief Strategy Officer

Can you import multiple documents into one warehouse receipt?

It is possible to import different warehouse source documents into the same warehouse receipt. So, for instance, you can import purchase orders, sales orders, or transfer orders into one warehouse receipt, if you want to receive them in one go.

This is what happens in the video

So, if we create a new warehouse receipt like this, it’s possible simply to import source documents here. I could select the sales return order, inbound transfer order, and maybe two purchase orders.

All being released, and from different vendors and I could import them into one warehouse receipt, and post them from here, creating one warehouse put-away.

So, this way it’s possible to bundle different source documents, both different types and different source document numbers to the same warehouse receipt.
